
Meet Apostle G, a talented musician from Ubiaja, Edo State, Nigeria. Godsend Oseodion Adagha was born on June 18, 1998.

Apostle G ‘s notable release, “Gratitude,” features Durella and CeeJay. Apostle G aims to make positive impacts with his music, creating songs that heal, uplift, and inspire. Stay connected with Apostle G through his latest releases and discover his artistic journey.

Apostle G ‘s notable release, “Gratitude,” features Durella and CeeJay. Apostle G aims to make positive impacts with his music, creating songs that heal, uplift, and inspire. Stay connected with Apostle G through his latest releases and discover his artistic journey.


Music that sparks souls, fuels passion and uplifts the soul.

Where words fail, music speaks.

when i sing, my songs give souls to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

Mercy Law